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n de polices de texte. Il n'a pas fait que survivre cinq siècles, mais s'est aussi adapté à la bureautique informatique, sans que son contenu n'en soit modifié

Culture without borders

In the very south of Alsace, at the confluence of the French, Swiss and German banks, you will discover the immense artistic and architectural heritage drained by the Rhine, the cradle of "Rhenish Humanism".

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Pedal the waterways

Go where the water goes, along the Rhine and the canals. Thanks to the "2 banks, 3 bridges" network of cycle tracks, you can pedal from one bank to the other, "leap-frogging" to and fro across the French, German and Swiss borders.

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Soak up nature in the Petite Camargue Alsacienne

If the Three Countries Region is at the crossroads of land, rail and air routes, it is also at the crossroads of waterways, which are as many corners of nature for all kinds of outdoor activities.

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The Rhine in all its facets

Water, omnipresent like a golden thread, will accompany you throughout your stay. Whether by the water, on the water or in the water, the Rhine is an extraordinary playground.

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Neuf-Brisach Fortified Town

1 2 3 4


Neuf-Brisach Fortified Town  

68600 Neuf-Brisach
Tel :03 89 72 56 66

Reservation request Website

    Neuf-Brisach is the Citadel of the Sun King since it was founded in 1699 at Louis XIV's behest. Today, it is considered as Vauban's masterpiece. Its architecture is unique in Europe, and the Citadel is listed as part of the world Heritage by UNESCO. Its parade ground, pure lines, 48 quarters forming a perfect octagon and bastion fortifications make it unique in its kind. To make the most of your visit, follow the blue line for a tour of Vauban's work. A lovely stroll at the heart of history!
    Liens réseaux sociaux Facebookwww.facebook.com/tourisme.paysrhinbrisach.alsace/


    Accessibility By bus